Daaaaaang ... sometimes I'm so good I scare myself. heh :)
Some pictures!
1st up, I made another couple of Xmas garlands. I had to kill some time and the roommie
begged me to make her some for her tree this year.

So far she has 3, all 3 feet long. These things take about 2 hrs to complete.
Next is THE blanket. I made it for this guy friend of mine who's 6' 4" and about 160 lbs (and terrified of the cold :) so I whipped out this blanket to keep his skinny heiny warm. It's a little taller, and not as wide, which is probably why it only took me 3 days to make. A total of 20 hrs. Impressed the heck outta me. But I really like it and who couldn't love a 3 day blanket, eh?
Also started another for his sick aunt who he is going to visit in a week. Almost 1/2 done and sadly, ran out of one color. Hit every Michael's and JoAnn's in town and none of them have it. Pssht. But it's one of Vanna's color, imagine someone else will have it. Somewhere.

Anyway ladies, have a lovely Friday!