
So it's Banned Book Week again.

Looking through The LIST, I've read almost all of these books, and - although I'll probably go to hell for saying it - Loved everyone of them. Matter o' fact, I can pick 3 that were of MAJOR significance in my formative teenage years.

I am not completely against those that are in-the-know explaining to me the rights/wrongs of how I do things. I take criticism well. Hell - I am firmly convinced that there should be a panel (lead by me) that is the be all end all of who is allowed to have children. heh. Just like driving, voting, and drinking, procreation should be a privilege, not a right. But that's just one humble cabbies' opinion.

Hell, I think things are just a tad bit TOO liberal in the ol' US of A. But, "they've" let it get this far, it would be very interesting to see what would happen if "they" decided to try and change everything now.

Not to be anti-American at all, but remember when we were the folk to be afraid of? When living here was something to be proud of? I do, and I'm not that old. I'm not complaining here, I'm sad about it all.

Ugh. Enough.

I got this in the mail today ... 16 ct. "Night" fabric by Sugar Maple Fabrics. 30" X 30".
Seems pretty dramatic. I got it because I ordered the chart for "Moon Fairy Spirit" by P Ricamo and I thought they might work well together. Guess I'll figure it out as I go along. Here's a pic of this one ...

Apparently there is a SAL this next month on the PR BB. This would be a good one for that.

OK. Enough for this morning.

Happy Thurs all!


Michelle said...

Gorgeous fabric!

Rachel Leigh Smith said...

I LOVE Night and think Moon Fairy Spirit will be lovely on it.

I honestly don't see why Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn should be on a list of objectionable books. Ditto for Mockingbird and James and the Giant Peach...

Von said...

It's hard to tell on the computer, but your new fabric looks like it might work well for the PR design you have in mind - quite dramatic, as you said. :D

Julie said...

With you all the way. I've read a healthy selection of the list, and, like you, loved them. They are the kind of books that stay with you forever. Also, having children is definately a privaledge NOT a "RIGHT". Fine, upstanding members of the community are told then cannot adopt a child because they don't earn enough, or are overweight, or don't have a big enough garden, to hell with all the love and attention they have to give, while pond-life who couldn't give a damn about anyone else but themselves churn out kids they didn't even want in the first place, have all the government departments falling over themselves making sure they stay with their children! And relax ...
p.s LOVE the fabric x

Anonymous said...

I think that PR will look gorgeous on that fabric and I'll look forward to watching your progress.